"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Amanda's Room Ready and Waiting

We can't paint the walls in our house in Tokyo so we did the best we could. The letters above her crib are actually wall stickers rather than wooden. We also can't hang anything about her crib because of earthquakes. Thanks goodness Wall Stickers have become so popular! And thank you Orie for helping me find these!

The three paintings were done by Mike's Mom!

We love Amanda to the Moon and Back! Or as our wonderful wise little friend Maddie Zito (age 4 years) would say "Love you to China and back!"

Some friends in the crib waiting for Amanda. Lots of wise little owls. Notice there are no keys Aunt Sarah!


  1. Betty, I love her room! Lucy has that big owl too from her Nana Hardin! Don't let Sarah influence her with any keys!!! Good luck on your trip, I can't imagine how excited you and Mike are. I'll be thinking about you guys and I can't wait to see more pictures. Ali

  2. How EXCITING! Can you believe there is going to be a little ankle-biter in there soon? Actually, any child of yours will probably be more of an angel than an ankle-biter :) You have to tell me what size she's wearing asap.

    I love the wall stickers. . . we have wooden letters now but we're redecorating to a big girl room soon and I am SO doing those.

    We'll be praying for you! Can't wait to see more of her. Love, Fern

  3. Hi, this is Yaoyao. I came here from Heather's blog. Congratulations! Her room is so pretty and you did a wonderful job! I have tears full of my eyes when I was reading this. Maybe cause I am a mom too. Trust me your baby girl Amanda is one of the most lucky girls in the whole world. Oh, by the way, I am a Chinese. Thank you very much for helping our children. Have a nice safe trip in China!

  4. Those are cute owls!! I'm glad you got the blog up and running before you leave. We are counting the minutes!!! SO soon now!!
