"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Jen and Tim hosted a great party for a bunch of friends and all of us. Amanda got spoiled with lots of treats that day including Coco's chocolate cake!!
One happy little girl!
Amanda signing more more!!
High Five for Uncle Chris!
Traffic Jam!
The gorgeous patio and view.
Coco and her brother, aka Great Uncle Buddy!
Amanda eagerly trying to get Mike's sunglasses off
Then she found another pair...a watermelon meets Harry Potter:-) So cute!
Uncle Chris and his wonderful girlfriend Rachel who came down to visit too! Amanda would not smile because they were getting ready to leave. We had so much fun seeing you!!!
One of Daddy's best friends from college lived near by and brought her gorgeous kids up for a visit! Amanda had so much fun with Christian and Kendall!
And with sweet little Carter too! Thank you guys for making the hike up to see us!!!!
Our second day in Southern California and we headed to the beach. This was Amanda's second beach to go to. The first was in Hawaii. Not a bad way to begin kiddo!
Sleeping beauty
Amanda's dream come true...a swing, sand and water. What a view!
Coco is NOT a beach person but she sure looks the part! Thanks for coming to the beach with us!
Sitting with Daddy and Uncle Tim after the went for a jog on the beach
Eating ice cream on my beautiful monogrammed new beach towel from Aunt Jen!! THANK YOU!
Our wonderful California hosts--WE had a GREAT TIME with them! They have a beautiful new home and were the best host and hostess. Unfortunately for them, this means we are stopping every time we come back to the USA!! :-)
We hopped off the plane at LAX, had Mike's wonderful cousin Daren pick us up and we drove down to San Clemente California to meet Amanda's newest cousin Emily!!
Meeting crazy Uncle Tim!
Isn't Emily SOOO cute?
Amanda fighting jet lag and playing in Uncle Tim and Aunt Jen's awesome back yard. Amanda spent a lot of time playing with the rocks!
Tickling Emily's toes
With Coco and Daren playing on the rocks
Thanks for picking us up Daren! Amanda LOVED hanging out with you and misses you lots!
Meeting Great Uncle Buddy!!! Thanks for coming all the way from Denver to see all of us!